Artworks Welcome to the artworks page introducing you to all of our co-artists work for the Younity Mural. Artist: Ada Ratcliffe Title: Love Don't Give Up ID: A beige background is full of abstract rainbow colours across the page. Words of adoration 'love yourself', 'love family', 'love friends', and heart shapes adorn areas of pink paper. Words 'hope', ' hang in there', 'don't give up', 'keep fighting', ' never give up', 'come on you can do it' are written across the page in black. In the middle in large colourful text spelling out 'LOVE' is central. Artist: Alex Biskupova Title: Angel of the North ID: An image of the angel of the north in blue with a red plane shape overlayed on top of it. White background. Rainbow lines of colours emit from the shape with words 'Sanctuary', 'Diversity', 'Visability', 'Acceptance', 'Support', 'Interculture', 'Love'. Artist: Jayden Douglas Title: Birds of a feather, always stick together ID: White, green and blue hues on a white background. Text on top reads 'Birds of the feather always stick' Image of a magpie to the right of the page with bold writing 'together' below. The artwork has imagery of the angel of the north, charles grey monument, Tyne bridge, a feather, Newcastle United football scarf on the left with wavy lines. Artist: Alice Card Hall Title: Embrace ID: Two intertwined leaf shapes with arms on a white background. Drawn in shades of purple, black and magenta. Artist: Lady Kitt Title: Unruly Joy ID: 3D Paper sculpture created in hues of yellow, purple and pink sits on a soft red paper background. The playful shadows dancing across the sculpture add to the 3D effect. The outer layer of the sculpture entwines both yellow ochre and violet trails into a circle. In the centre is a eight pointed star or floral sculpture embodied in a deep purple foundation, transcending into magenta, and peaking in dark green spiky tips on the highest point. Artist: Deborah Nash Title: Kin(d)ling ID: A painted mask in vibrant umber, lime green, sunset yellow, rich red and sky blue decorate a mask in the centre of the image. The 3D mask is surrounded by a drawn image, the letters 'EARTH' form the base of the mask, signifying roots of the figure. Above the figure on soft blue background, is a fiery background with words 'PEACE LOVE UNITY' in reds, orange and bright yellow, forming a mane on the figure. Artist: Mymona Bibi Title: To Do: Value Care ID: Image of a hand on white paper with writing that narrates a story about belonging. The image of the hand is centred on khadi paper, decorated with green and purple triangular shapes that point towards the writing on the hand. Artist: Callum Bauman Title: Be Happy ID: An image of a character in vivid colourful colours is drawn on a white background. The figures body is depicted as the Earth. The figures hair is depicted as a rainbow wave flowing outwards. Decorated with cake, balloons, a heart and bee. Bold rainbow words decorate the sides of the page, 'HAPPY' on the left and 'BEE' on in yellow stripes on the right. Artist: Anthony Hendon Title: Congruence ID: A dark blue paper background overlayed with an arch that makes up two thirds of the artwork. The arch resembles that of a rainbow, and is vibrant with six rainbow colours on the left. The colours start as red on the inner side of the rainbow ending in violet on the outer half of the rainbow. Half of the rainbow is white on the right. Silhouettes of five birds are in the background above the rainbow representing flight and freedom. Artist: Liam Robinson Title: Bridges Not Borders ID: A drawing of the scenic quayside bridges in Newcastle upon Tyne including the Tyne Bridge, High Level Bridge, Redheugh Bridge. The lower part of the drawing represents the pride flag moving outwards to form the river Tyne. Block text over the bridge reads 'Bridges not borders' Artist: Ishita Gupta Title: Why the North ID: The background consists of blues, indigos, pinks and soft yellows. Drawn on the artwork are floral symbols and a lampost. Poetic text across image reads 'Where lampposts illuminate', 'The flowing river makes our sadness diminish', 'More gorgeous sunsets', The blossoms shine brighter against the castles', 'The kindness of people is the genuinity of friends'. Artist: Xander B Title: Just Try ID: Gold pen on white paper. Multiple cloud like figures drawn with text 'Try, try and try (never give up) never!' written on the bottom of the image. Artist: Ethan John Stewart Title: Hand and Sun ID: Black line drawing on white paper depicting a pot with a heart on it. Three hands drawn coming out of the pot towards a large sun. Artist: Pandora Title: Transcending A playful lettering artwork. The top of the image has text that reads 'stand back' in black and underlines. It is partially outlined in red. Text reads ' I'm!', next line 'TRANS' in block colours of blue, pink ans white. At the end of 'TRANS' a brown arrow leads into a picture of two wings with the word 'cending' between them. Image is on a white background and decorated with pink and yellow stars around the wings. Artist: Anna Christy Title: Iconic Newcastle ID: A pencil drawing on white paper. Image of the Tyne Bridge in the centre, with the angel of the north in the middle. The pride flag decorates the angel. Writing below the image reads 'We are Newcastle' in English and Hindi. The Metro symbol decorates the base of the angel statue. Newcastle is written on the right. Text ' the Shores of the Northumberland' is written on the curvature of the bridge. Artist: James Wilkinson Title: Diversity 1 ID: Green pastels depict the statue who holds a sword defensively. Sky lined with wave patterns for red. Textured on khadi paper Artist: James Wilkinson Title: Diversity 2 ID: Multicoloured soft pastels depicting waves of emotive colour Artist: Emma White Title: Sand Dancer in Newcastle ID: Image created as collage with different textured blue coloured paper. A small gold sun is drawn on the waves. Gold writing 'Home of the Sun Dancer' at the top. Artist: Elizabeth Booth Title: Unity ID: Abstract shapes of colourful rainbow pastels on white paper. Artist: Martyn Hudson Title: Drawings 2 ID: Linear drawing of town moor areas in green and purple. Text Reads 'gosforth', 'town moor' and 'Spital'. Drawn on white paper. Artist: Catherine Walsh Title: Mine ID: A vibrant painted artwork on canvas board. The image shows a stark image of a factory on the right, the smoke billowing into the blue peachy sky. A mining wheel is drawn on the right, dominating the landscape, eminating from a spring green land, with a soft orange glow on the top. Artist: Clara Shield Title: Creative Caring Mothering ID: A purple and blue curvy 'C' letter in the centre left of a white page. Carefully feathered with softer delicate shades of purple and blue. Magenta tulip flowers can be seen emerging on the lower arch of the letter growing upwards. Text on the letter reads 'Mothering, Mothering, Mothering', 'Creative, Community, Connection', and 'Child, Child, Child'. Artist: Ashlee Kennedy Title: Creativity ID: A black stary background with a colourful rainbow camera in the centre. The lense of the camera shows a photograph of the bridges of the Tyne river. Below the camera is a white cloud with text 'Creativity, an innate human quality, serves as a lifeline, a spark of hope and unfailing reminder of our boundless potential. When harnessed, it has the power to transform, heal and inspire not only our lives but also the world around us'. Artist's own words 'This piece was created using a photograph I took of the Tyne Bridge at sunset and inserting it into a digitally created design using ProCreate. I am a female photographer and a member of the Queer Community. This piece was designed to showcase myself as a digital artist, as a photographer and also to showcase the beauty that surrounds us. I have a very keen interest in and strive to promote inclusion, to support togetherness and to celebrate diversity through my work. ' Artist: Steve Pardue Title: Joy ID: Black line drawing on white khadi paper. Two figures ceremoniously dance with lineal swirls around them. Details and small touches of colour adorn the figures in yellow, red and blue. The handwritten decorative text at the top reads ' When you dance with someone...anyone..there is only joy'. Beneath image text reads ' When the bridge armstrong build swings, it does so, to the tune of lost lives...armaments delivered to the world.' Artist: Daniel Lee Drew Title: Cats through Time ID: A playful image on a white background shows three cats on a vibrant orange / pink wall with yellow accents. A brown cat sleeps on the top of the wall with a seedling of a plant growing next to it. A grey cat stands watching from the right. A orange cat emerges on the right from a wheel in the wall. The wheel has an image of an ocean liner - a reference of the region's ship building history. Artist: Elizabeth Booth Title: Together ID: A colorful rectangular pastel background. 'Together' written over the top in black calligraphy letters and motif on the right. Drawn on khadi paper. Artist: Lindsay Nicholson Title: Welcome Home ID: Decorated golden border detail. Words read 'Welcome Home Pet' in bold betters coming out of a shooting star. Decorative border details Artist: Dani Allen Title: Life ID: Soft red background. Decorated with torn paper in shades of green, yellow, purple, and orange paper emanating from the centre outwards. Details of trees, a sun and words 'We are all the same', 'life', 'in our bones' written across the page. The paper can be seen to overlap, and emerge out of the boundaries of the page. Artist: Emma Robson Title: Every seed grows into something ID: Vibrant stained glass flower motifs decorated in red, orange, pink, purple, green, aqua and blues. The circular image is drawn in black fineliner on a white background. The words 'Every seed grows into something' is repeated around the circlet. Artist: Elizabeth Booth Title: Sanctuary ID: White background with lots of colourful swirly lines in tones of purple, green, yellow and oranges. Block letters spell 'Sanctuary' on the top with leaf like drawings. Other words can be seen on the page including 'alreet' and 'Open'. Artist: Lyndsey Dickinson Title: Flags ID: A large heart is drawn over white paper showing different country flags inside the heart. White background. Artist : Lucy Johnson Title: Youth ID: Black pen drawing showing young girl on khadi paper. Artist : Megan Charlton Title: Support ID: Black pen drawing showing angel holding trees with stars in hair. Artist: Mehnaz Allen Title: Helping Each Other ID: Bright collage in different coloured textured papers with wavy red pen detail on soft pink sugar paper. Artist: Art Taylor Shield Title: Leaves ID: A drawing of a tree on white paper. The tree is decorated with a swing on the right of the tree. Some words collected from the 5 workshops are written in the small leaves themselves. At the base of the image the text reads 'leaves' Art in black handwriting. Artist : Lucy Johnson Title: Angel ID: Black pen drawing showing angel holding a bright star in yellow Artist: Martyn Hudson Title: Hope Bridge Spirit Life ID: Black line drawing depicting words in title across the page in different cases. Decorated with a star and moon. Drawn on white khadi paper. Artist: Elizabeth Tilley Title: Red Purple Rose ID: Musical notes dance across a page with a white background. Red stencilled rose on top of image with leaves and gold stars. Purple abstract shapes. Drawn on white paper. Artist: Purvi Title: The Light ID: Rainbow pastel coloured background. Red and blue roses form the central part of image. Small text on right Artist: Martyn Hudson Title: Drawings ID: Sketches drawn in pencil of Spanish City and Grainger Market. Drawn on white paper. Artist: Matthew Burn Title: Van ID: A linear black drawing of a VW camper van on white paper. Artist: Merce Sole Title: Hope and Love ID: Mixed media image with cut out hands in green and brown paper. Drawn on light green background. Text reads 'love' and 'hope' in bright orange, greens and red. Imagery of hearts. Artist: Milly Lozinski Title: It's not black and white ID: A blue and green tonal magpie in depicted in the centre of the image looking to the left. Text reading 'It's not black and white' is displayed on the image with a yellow banner background. Black and white stripey background. Artist: Kevin Wilkinson Title: Moon Halo ID: Cosmic sketch drawn in graphite over white paper. A full moon in soft grays and pink with a white halo, and golden ring. Grey textured background. Artist: Star Sturmey Title: Quat ID: An image of a cat drawn in black ink on white background. Coloured with yellow, white, blue and black. The outline of the cat is turquoise, yellow and pink. It has stars for eyes. Artist: Clara Shield Title: Rich In Canny Bodies ID: Gold block writing on white paper 'Rich in Canny Bodies' The letter R is decorated with a crown. All of the bold letters are outlines apart from the 'c' in Rich. Artist: Struan Kennedy Title: Spectrum of the self ID: A prism drawn in the centre of a white page. On the left side text reads 'You' on the right side the text reads 'Understanding', 'Nourishing', 'Intersection', 'Transformative', 'Yearning', '!'. Artist: Straun Kennedy Title: Tyne for Change ID: A drawing on white paper. Text in gold on lower bottom half reads 'TYNE FOR CHANGE' in decorative caps. The top half depicts a vibrant rising sun with the Tyne Bridge. Fists on either side of image. Artist: Vardan Sedan Title: Unite ID: Sketches drawn of peace symbols and two people embracing in unity. Centre figure with thought bubble. Image has yellow and grey border depicting eyes. Text includes words 'unite', 'curiousity', 'bridges' and 'illumination'. Drawn on white paper. Artist: Emory Southwick Title: Found Connection ID: A beige background decorated with wavy links drawn in vibrant pastels and ink. Tones of blue and pink add layers to the textured image. Wavy lines and circlets decorate the image. Artist: Tomasz Sowada Title: Home ID: A dark blue background covered in gold writing. A golden globe in the centre with brightly coloured countries. Text reads ' Cultures', 'Hope', 'Chances', 'Happiness', 'Freedom', 'Energy', Love', 'Home', 'Relations', 'Possibilities', 'Unity', 'Diversity', 'Belief', "life', 'Ideas', "Possibilities', and 'Relations'. Artist: Callum Hill Title: Free As A Bird ID: Bold outlined word 'FREE' is drawn in the centre of the blue background. A gold dove can be seen on the right of the image flying upwards. Artist: Rebecca Kelly Title: The Colours of Us A rainbow coloured flower shape in the centre of a white page. Small multi-coloured hearts form a patterned background. Artist: Elizabeth Booth Title: Sycamore Gap ID: An intricate drawing of the iconic tree on white paper. In the centre a glowing sycamore tree can be seen, with colourful roots emanating from the middle of the page. A rabbit jumps on the left side. Another drawing of the tree can be seen on the left, with delicate details of purple roots in an arch. Artist: Nekta George Title: Unity ID: A colourful pencil drawing on white paper depicting the central arcade and angel of the north to the right. The millenium bridge and Baltic Flour Mills in the centre. To the left there is a drawing of a boat complete with multiple masts referring to the regions ship building history. Rainbow swirls line the sky. Artist: Merce Sole Title: Unity ID: Big bold pink colours spell unity in the centre of the image with heart over the 'i'. Pink union jack pattern with different textures, pinks, colours, and patterns. Artist: Chloe Hammond Title: Heatherlad Inn ID: A cut out drawing on a white page. The image is drawn in soft pastels and depicts a family inn. Soft yellow building, with a grey roof and black outlines. Artist: Jack Whyte Title: Younity ID: A symbol drawn in red, yellow, blue in an undersea background filled with vibrant blues and greens. White and aqua background. Artist: Alice Lau Title: Ethereal Heart ID: Soft blue, green and purple abstract floral shapes on a textured purple background drawn on khadi paper. Artist: Ethan John Stewart Title: Hand and String ID: Bright neon orange, green and navy blue line drawing depicting a right hand on white paper Artist: Tomasz Sowada Title: Everyday Guy Bridge ID: A colourful bridge drawn on a white background. Words 'Everyday ordinary guy bridge' written in black capitals below. Artist: Fin McMorran Title: Bridge ID: An image of a rainbow in 6 lines of colour. A large eye beneath the rainbow has a golden compass in the centre with a sky blue background. The compass is golden with hues of orange. Beneath the image of the rainbow is a wavy drawing of a blue river with patterned details and stars. Artist: Finn R Title: Untitled ID: A soft red paper background consisting of torn white and purple paper. Three detailed line drawings are overlaid on top of the paper. From right to left: A drawing of two figures in embrace, a figure raising their arms to their chest, a figure crossing their arms and looking towards the left. Artist: Theresa Poulton Title: Protest ID: A colourful image of a fist on a white background. Geometric brightly painted colours form a pattern in the fist figure. Artist: Katarzyna Gołembowska Title: Freedom ID: A large phoenix fire bird rises in fiery hues of bold yellow, peach, orange, red and browns in the centre on a white background. A circle drawn in the middle at centre of the image. Artist: Polly Armstrong Title: Hope ID: A detailed floral pattern in the centre of image with flowers in blue, peach and pink. Symbols of unity drawn across the image on white background such as a dove, olive branch, people, hands and butterfly. Text reads 'Hope' on the centre left. Artist: Elizabeth Finch Title: Geordie and Proud ID: A circular image drawn in gold on a background of white. The centre of the image reads 'Geordie and Proud' with stars. The centre of the circlet is decorated with a purple butterfly with Newcastle United football striped background. Artist: Gillian Wilkinson Title: Awareness ID: A rainbow flag, with figures on the yellow section holding hands. Three circles are depicted in the centre portraying the peace symbol and poppy. Below the image the text reads 'Kindness, Peace, Love, Hope' With a drawing for NCE in the centre. Artist: Alice Card Hall Title: Gender Unconfirmed ID: The words 'Gender Unconfirmed (I'll decide later) is written on the top of the image in brown, blue and pink, on a white background. Below is a series of green arrows and red hearts with the word 'polyamory' interlaces in the drawing. Artist: Pixie Wren Title: Liberate Yourself ID: Abstract colourful soft pastel on khadi paper. Layers of colourful detail. Rainbow textures with swirl and cat figures. Text reads 'Qe quiero libre' Artist: Ashwini M Title: We are all the same ID: A white background with brown border. Images of figures holding hands can be seen in the border. Larger four figures make up the main image in the centre of the page. The figures are standing on black block words 'We are all the same innit' Artist: Annie Buzkova Title: Wey Aye Man A drawing in pencil and pen on white paper. A red mouth on the left of the image has a speech bubble. In the bubble there are drawings of the angel of the north, tyne bridge, swing bridge, greggs bakery, trees, and grey's monument in different colours. Artist: Vivy Hoang Title: Unity in Shades ID: Five colourful flowers drawn on a white background in the colours purple, blue, yellow, red and orange with bright green leaves. Artist's own words 'Infusing varied hues into these blossoms, I reflect the diverse colors and shades that symbolize the rich tapestry of people’s backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. In the embrace of harmony and diversity, people can flourish together, transcending differences. Each individual, with their unique character, becomes a crucial contributor to the creation of something both novel and beautiful.' Artist: Rhiannon Banks Title: An Ode to my Grandfathers (Postmen in the North East) ID: An image of a robin perched over a teacup and saucer on a white background. The robin in brown, grey and orange holds a letter in it's mouth with small delicate writing. Artists own words: My piece is an ode to my grandad and great grandad who both were postmen in Newcastle. The robin symbolizes a Victorian's representation how postmen were perceived. The letter references the street that both my grandads lived on. A poppy on the tea cup represents their time in the Armed Forces ( I don't agree with the army now but it was something my grandad was very proud of, his father fought in WW1 and was in the home guard in WW2) The cup of tea and biscuits is to do with my relationship with my grandad now who has Alzheimer's, sitting drinking tea and listening to his stories. Artist: Rowan Lee Title: Sleepless Night By The Tyne ID: A bold black drawing on a white background. It shows the shape of a butterfly in the centre, with details of moons and stars. In the centre there are details of the Tyne bridge and waves. Artist's own words: Sometimes when everything feels like it will never change and all is lost, a metamorphosis is slowly occurring. The butterfly is a common symbol of hope which inspired this piece and can help inspire change to those who need it. Holding the moon and stars in its wings, this divine creature can be a beacon of light to guide you when all seems dark with the bridge, like in tarot cards, providing a perfect path for progression and stability. Personally, when I felt trapped by a bad situation that I was convinced could last forever, a dear friend of mine would take me on night walks along the river Tyne. The moon reflecting off the water creating a gentle calm, and knowing I was never really alone, would fill me with hope that change is possible and everything would be alright in the end. Artist: Mymona Bibi Title: Protestor Fist No.1 ID: Line figures drawn in black in on lower half of image hold protest banners on a white background. Each banner holds a different vibrant colour. Artist's own words: 'Protestor Fist No.1' created in 2023 is a polychromatic, abstract, mixed media work on paper - graphite, coloured pencil, acrylic and gouache. It forms part of a series of text-based and abstract 'PROTEST' paintings. Although clearly recognisable as a symbol of power, defiance, strength and unity, it's not intended to represent any one particular group of activists or movements, historically or more recently - it's intentionally ambiguous and somewhat autobiographical. The work is referencing both personal and global desires for those suffering internally and externally to be free from restraints imposed upon them; psychologically, physically and politically. Artist: Kate Mason Title: Don't take my home ID: An image of a blue and orange kingfisher bird perched on a brown branch looking outwards to the left of the image. There is a orange green blurred coloured background in the centre which fades to white. Artist's own words: The kingfisher represents hope for everyone including the animals, that our loved spaces won’t be all built on and we can all share beautiful places looking after one another and nature for everyone’s wellbeing in and around Newcastle. Artist : Cam Highland Title: Queer Joy is Real ID: Bright green text spells JOY in the centre of the image. Surrounded by multi-coloured flowers in the background of different sizes.